Brylie Gorman

 I believe that there’s a very real place within our inner and outer worlds

where both strong and sensitive can coexist
where both intuition and intelligence can thrive
and where empathy and expansion go hand in hand.

A grounding place where you can be exactly who you are  and still thrive in all the places that you love

As an energy guide, I bring heart led leaders back into harmony with their own operating system, revolutionising how they protect their energy and restore balance in all of their environments.

Because if there’s one thing that my own story has taught me, it’s that no amount of ‘pushing through’ can cancel out the needs of your own nervous system. 

And as a heart-centred leader, learning how to access that quiet wild that sits under the surface of your life is your only ticket to avoiding burnout.




“You make it so easy for me to ensure I focus on my wellbeing and take a few minutes for me, which I’m good at forgetting to do when I’m busy at work. Thank you beautiful soul.”

Jo, ‘Goddess In A Suit: The Reset Member’

Work with me

Astrology Readings

Unearth your soul’s journey according to the stars, and finally feel connected to those parts of you that are designed to support you but you’ve long dismissed.

Essence Coaching Package

Easefully connecting you to your true unique essence; gaining greater clarity, conviction and expansion. Curated coaching support using your individual astrology chart and transits providing you with your souls language and guidance.

Goddess in a Suit

Your slipstream into that subtle space within where you can truly uncover what you need to thrive. Energy practices that take no more than 10 minutes a day, but code your nervous system for calm all day long.


 Goddess, I want you to know..

That what sustains you is not selfish. 

That you, your nervous system and how you operate - it’s all designed to help you go first and lead from the front. 

I want to show you that it’s possible to thrive in all areas of your life and still be the gentle, heart-led, emotionally connected goddess that you are, without feeling beaten down or burnt out. 

Everybody deserves to feel calm, collected, creative and balanced as you lead your path boldly and bring your whole heart to the table. 

Let me show you how.

